En esta ocasion os quiero comentar que me parecio el "in a moment like this" de Dinamarca.
En primero lugar hablar de la cancion en si es una cancion tipica de duo eurovisivo pero que a mi personalmente me gusto mucho me engancho y se me pego muchisimo no se si era por la calidad de la cancion si por lo facil del estribillo pero se pega mucho lo que da muchos votos en eurovision el impacto a una escucha.Ellos lo consiguieron,hicieron que nos gustara su tema solo escuchandolo una vez.
En lo que respecta a la escenografia me encanto, el comienzo fue precioso con el panel entre los dos y las sombras quedo precioso. Otro gran momento es un pequeño detalle pero que me gusto mucho en un plano aereo que se separan las pantallas un 10 a la realizacion y a las luces. Despues el momento en el que se separan tambien es bastante imprevisto y queda esteticamente bonito porque pega mucho con la tematica de la cancion.
Con esta tonica llegamos a un final impactante con mucha fuerza mucha garra y mucho aire, los dos en la pasarela el fuego por detras la camara moviendose rapido en general un gran final.
Por tocar un poco las voces de los artistas me parecio que ella cantaba muy bien el tambien pero quiza quedo un poco solapado en mi opinion por la voz de la chica pero en grandes rasgos empastaban a la perfeccion.
Para terminar un besito para no se si es que se reconciliaron porque en toda la estancia en oslo no se hablaron nada de nada.
Para terminar decir que me encanto que de un tema normal hicieron un gran tema con todo lo añadido y que la posicion esta merecidisima.

Ahora como siempre quiero poner un poco de la vida y obra de este grupo en este caso lo voi poner en ingles si no os importa porque tengo muchas vistas de gente que no entiende español asi ponemos en los dos idiomas:
Christina Chanée is the only child of his Danish mother and Thai father. She began singing about the same time that she learned to speak. In an age of only 17 years, she had already won several talent competitions and her first songwriting competition.
Inspired by her foreign roots and driven by a perpetual desire to explore herself and the world, she spent some years living in various parts of Europe and Asia.
In 2003 she won with songwriter Johann Peisner a soundtrack competition for the movie "Anja after Viktor" with the track "Gone Away". That same year she recorded the title song for the movie "Askepop".
In 2004, Christina Chanée was a singer in "Nubian Fraulein" on DR1 in the entertainment program "Finally Friday". That same spring, they released their album on BMG.
During recording of "Finally Friday" she met Kid Creole, who was guest soloist. He contacted her later in the year in its setup of "Marvin Gaye - The Musical, and she got the lead female role as "Jessica" in the musical, which included Kid Creole, Kele Le Roc (Basement Jaxx) and where Marc Anthony also participated.
The musical was a success and led to Christina today is also a singer in the group "Kid Creole And The Coconuts" which is touring around the world. In addition, Christina has recently had a role in the popular TV series "clown"
Tomas n'evergreen is probably best known in Denmark for the songs "How Can I Make You Love Me" and "One More Try" which right now is played on DR P4 and local radio stations. But in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia and all the other former Soviet states has Tomas stardom and it is especially hits like "Everytime I see your smile" and "Since You've Been Gone" that has swept the radios and topped the charts.
Tomas's debut album "Since You've Been Gone" sold over 250,000 albums in Russia alone. An album where among others Budapest Symphony Orchestra is involved. It is mixed in LA with John Van Nest, which among other things has worked with the late Michael Jackson.
Besides singing Tomas n'evergreen also plays on guitar, bass, piano and drums.
Ahora su actuacion en eurovision 2010:
Espero vuestros comentarios.
By Marcos
me encanta! you know!!
Me encantó la canción. y el disco de ellos es genial. Saludos Marcos.